Saturday, January 10, 2009

how to get a part time job in sydney? part 1

G'Day All,
This is the first of many articles in the  "how to get a part time job in sydney?" series.
let us take things one step at a time. most students coming to sydney city, come to the following unis...1) University of Sydney, 2) University of Technology, sydney, 3) Macquarie University, 4) University of New South Wales. there are of course others like university of western sydney and many TAFEs.

One needs a concrete understanding of the layout of the train network to be able to understand sydney's geography better. you might at this stage not understand the relation between the train network and finding part time jobs. but you will soon...
sydney rail network

1)Sydney Uni is a fifteen minute walk from redfern station.
2)UTS is a ten minute walk from central station
3)Macquarie university is 20 minutes from epping station by bus. (from march 2009, the macquarie uni station will be functional !!! i.e. epping to chatswood link)
4)UNSW is 20 minutes by bus from central station.

with the global economic slowdown, businesses have been hit hard and there have been job cuts and pay cuts. for example, if an executive was to get a promotion and a pay increase by $5000 and has not got it, then he would consider not eating lunch outside that much. this means less business for a restaurant or take away shop. this means the chances of you getting employed goes down. the above is to only make you understand that the job market is tight and that lots of factors could influence some thing as simple and straight forward as getting a casual job in sydney.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

hi dear this is vamshi from AP planning for my higher studies in sydney .would u plz help me in getting a job .basically i am from poor family . plz help me in how should i have 2 survive there & help me in getting a job .plz do the needful.

Thanks & Regards